Aug 25, 2014

Vintage Summer Beach Ads

California Beach Life, 1970's.

There's still a few weeks left of summer - at least in the northern hemisphere.

Here's an assorted collection of beachy summer advertising from the 60's, 70's and 80's - mainly .

First up, a little vintage summer sexism from American Airlines.

American Airlines coupon.

Clairol, Summer Soft Blush Duo, 1960's.

Coppertone, 1969.

"Valentine" Olivetti poster by Milton Glaser, 1968.

Tanfastic Suntan Lotion, 1970.

Tanfastic Suntan Lotion, 1970.

Vespa, 1970.

Pimm's, 1970's.

Sun-in, 1971.

Manikin Cigars, 1970's.

Pan Am, "Brazil" poster, 1972.

Coppertone Tanning Butter, Madamoiselle, July, 1973.

Swedish Tanning Secret, 1974.

Jantzen Swimwear, 1975.

Bain De Soleil French Tropical Tanning Oil, 1977.

Pepe Lopez Tequila, 1978.

Stash Cologne, 1981.

Malibu, 1980's.

Le Zink Zinc Cream, 1988.

Mickeys Big Mouth Malt Liquor, 1988.

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